The Sanctuary is a highly motivated church with a worship service that is electrified with great talent and the presence of God who has promised to inhabit the praise of His people.
When the worship service kicks off here, we expect Him to show up and to do great things among us.
You will find it easy to engage the Almighty during worship service at The Sanctuary.
The Sanctuary is a highly motivated church with a worship service that is electrified with great talent and the presence of God who has promised to inhabit the praise of His people.
When the worship service kicks off here, we expect Him to show up and to do great things among us.
You will find it easy to engage the Almighty during worship service at The Sanctuary.
After the 10AM classes conclude, the entire church gathers in the main sanctuary for a truly powerful combined Family Worship Service. Be ready to watch and feel the Spirit
of the Lord move.
Wednesday nights at The Sanctuary are very purpose driven — to challenge you with God’s Word and, in response, help you find the courage to make changes in your life.
Wednesday nights also feature several different elective classes throughout the year and includes ministry for all ages.
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