Pastor Jeff &
Traci Jaco

Pastor Jeff and Traci Jaco came to the city of New Castle, IN in 2005 after the untimely passing of their friend and mentor, Pastor Ron Perry. After a time of acclamation and trust building, Jeff led the church on a journey toward a new way of doing church. This journey began with a new name, The Sanctuary, and a new approach to discipleship that placed great trust in God’s ability to change lives rather than attempting to change them through human means.

From the day that the culture of the church began to change, the growth of the church both spiritually and numerically has continually increased. Pastor Jaco has assembled an incredible leadership team from people that God has blessed The Sanctuary with and they are united and passionate about pursuing the mission of this church.

Since their arrival, God has blessed the Jacos with two children who were never supposed to be according to many doctors. But God was simply waiting for the right time for their arrival. Jay (Jeffery II) was born just months after the Jacos arrived. Hope Ja’el came just a few years later. We are astounded at God’s handiwork and wait with great anticipation to see what lies in store for The Sanctuary of New Castle.

Matt & Nikki

Children’s Pastors

Tommy & Natalie

Assistant Pastor + Production Director

Derek & Trisha

Assistant Pastor & Connect Class Director

Larry & Cindi Kiner

Discipleship Ministry Directors

Amanda Perry

Worship Director

Delilah Perry

Financial Secretary and Secretary to the Pastor

Ernie & Lisa Lease

Directors of Life Group Ministry

Wayne & Emily

HYPHEN Directors

Chad & Cindy Hand

On Ramp Directors

Bill Wooten

Hospitality Team Director


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